Sunday 4 July 2010

Cheatin' and Posin'

I drove an hour away from home yesterday to participate in and write about the Shock Absorber Women only triathlon and race series.

After breaking down 5 times on the way there...once at the tail end of a roundabout...dangerous...I was damned if I wasn't going to get to the bloody race!!! Arriving 90 minutes after the start of the race, I boldly posed with my friend who actually had raced in the free tee.

It seems my car is on its last legs, one final trip to the garage may be its last. You have served me well little motor. With love, your driver and friend, Joslyn x

Welcome to Joslyn's Blog

Hi there, this is my first post for my new site. I've decided to have a me blog as my work is separated into lots of different component and this is the place where I would like it all to come together!! My interests right now? Crossfit; Eating for wellness; keeping young in both body and mind by trying new things and respecting my body; travelling; educating others with my knowledge as a trainer; and spending time with the people I care about.

Hope you likt it!